Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thursday's Presentations

Just so we're all on the same page here are the slides we chose for the two chapters -

Chapter 1

Jenn - 15
Kerry - 6
Sarah - 22
Lori - 27
Todd - 20

Chapter 2

Jenn - 30
Sarah - 9
Lori - 16
Kerry - 7
Todd - 48

If when you look over the slides a little more you feel like choosing another one feel free - I just put these up here so you'd know which ones were taken already! :)

Don't forget the dress is business casual. Also we need to have the slides printed out (Although Lori already did - thanks for letting us borrow them!) and we need to have the other packets picked out too.

If you find any videos we'll just link them in the comments to this post? Sound good? :)


  1. Hi all. What was the first case study we decided on so I can get started working on it as soon as possible. Also, I will search for videos tonight and post a link for anything I find.

  2. I'm not sure we decided which case study to do first. I will look for videos tonight too. I will get my slide presentation organized tonight since tomorrow I will not be able to do anything on the presentation until class time.

  3. we could you this short video for chapter 1. It is called "What is Strategy?"


  4. Here are a few videos I found (all on You Tube):

    1.20/20 Strategic Vision From Creo Quality - An Introduction
    2.Corporate Strategy (This one is pretty funny)
    3.Business Plans: Developing a Business Strategy

  5. The video Todd found is good. Short and to the point!

  6. This video could be used for chapter 2. It is in English but done by a Spanish interviewer with Spanish subtitles. The video is about the balanced scorecard by the man who came up with the idea, Robert Kaplan ( along with Norton).


  7. Hey guys. I think that the last video on Sarah's list is the best one for our topic. I like Todd's I am just worried that he focuses on the "what not to do" and I know Charlie isn't huge on that. I like Sarah's b/c it really just defines our topic and we could use it as an intro to our presentation. I like the idea of a funny video, but I couldn't figure out which one it was on you tube!
    As for the case study, we can decide in class tomorrow. We should all look over the four we chose and get an idea and kind of go from there.
    Have a great day/night!
    Kerry Redrup

  8. I like the one that Todd found (the Spanish) for the second one. The only funny corporate strategy one I found was this one - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58vA32o-LbY&feature=PlayList&p=03700DDCE5867568&playnext_from=PL&playnext=1&index=8 - and while its funny it doesn't seem to be too clear about whats going on!!

    So unless anyone can decipher that one I say we do Sarah's third choice (it was this one right - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4jXtOtmUiM) and Todd's for the second one.
